Information about the plan has been included in Township publications and notifications and on the 

Township Webpage  Stormwater Matters

View the Public Meeting  of Wednesday, August 25  where fee implementation and fee structure were discussed. Questions can be directed

Stormwater Management Fee

Click the image to view the document.

Discussion of the plan begins at the 1hr 9 minute  mark of the August 4 video.

Spring/Summer Newsletter


Discussion of the plan begins at the 45:13 minute mark of the June 17 video.

Cheltenham Township 2020-21 Calendar  Page 

This video was recorded at the January 2022 CCC Annual Meeting.

Commissioner Mitch Zygmund-Felt Explains the Stormwater  Management Plan and Fee Structure

Township Mailing

Over the last decade Cheltenham Township has  pursued ways to manage stormwater runoff . 

Plans for flood mitagation projects with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have been in the discussion process for years. This past year, in accordance the​  Township's 5  Year Financial Plan ,  the Township commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of implementing a stormwater management fee to cover the expense of managing stormwater in the Township.  The result is the Stormwater Management Program with  a proposed three-tiered assessment  fee. All property owners, regardless of  tax status, would be subject to the fee. The fee will likely be adopted by the Board of Commissioners  in the fall of 2021 and will appear on property owners' 2022 tax  bills. 



cheltenham chamber of citizens

Previous Public meetings held to discuss the formulation of the plan​.

For more than a year this initiative has been discussed in various meetings. As part of the process, a Stormwater Advisory Committee made up of residential, commercial and institutional property owners and Township officials was formed.

View Township videos of the public meetings and related PowerPoint presentations that have shaped the plan here.