cheltenham chamber of citizens

Curtis Arboretum facing North on Greenwood Avenue

Curtis Arboretum facing East on Church Road

All of the technical drawings and photographs on this and other related pages are from the PennDOT Powerpoint presentation at the April 13, 2018 Consulting Parties Meeting or the from April 4, 2019 PennDOT Open House, as was any related information.

This diagram shows many of the actual trees to be removed.PennDOT plans to replace them with "large caliper trees" that typically have a stem diameter of 2 inches or more when measured 6 inches above soil level. 

PennDOT Church Road 
Improvement Project:
Greenwood Ave. to 
Rices Mill Rd.

Tree Removal/Excavation Plan

Twenty-two mature trees will be removed during the excavation. Their locations are shown in the diagram below.  They will be replaced by 17 trees of 1-foot caliper diameter at breast height (DBH).

Both Church Road and Greenwood Avenue near the intersection of the two will be widened to accommodate the additional traffic lanes.  Excavation will take 33 feet of Curtis Arboretum along a 700 foot length of its Church Road perimeter and will take up to 13 feet along a 250 foot length of its Greenwood Ave perimeter.  The distinctive wall will be replaced in designated areas.